NO SHIPPING FEE WILL BE CHARGED EVEN THOUGH ORDER MAY SHOW $13.50.How would if feel to live with a lot less anxiety? Many people report ongoing high-to-low grade anxiety. You can use the information in this e-booklet to help you lessen the feeling of anxiety.
For over 15 years Doc Childre and the HeartMath® staff have been producing books, training programs, research papers, articles, technology and learning systems which combined make up the HeartMath System.
The emTech™ products were created by utilizing information from a variety of these HeartMath sources. They offer some of the best subject-specific information found in the HeartMath System giving you easy access to what interests you most.
Life is getting faster and time has become more important than ever. emTech e-booklets, audio programs and interactive learning modules are delivered electronically so you can get the information you need quickly and inexpensively. Simply download what you want and receive it right away.
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