The Resilient Educator Program New Zealand
The Resilient Educator course includes:
- Resiliency: How to build and sustain your resiliency in the school environment
- Overcoming stress in order to access your full potential
- The role of emotions in performance and health
- Demonstration of the emWave® PC technology (a bio-feedback tool that charts your emotional physiology on screen)
- Effective communication and productive working relationships
- Establishing a new baseline for health and well-being
- Applications: how to integrate resilience tools into your own work environment
Course participants should expect to engage in an interactive learning environment using mulitiple learning styles and bio-feedback software. Participants will receive a detailed workbook as part of the course.
Teachers will leave able to train their own students in resilience skills, nurturing more positive emotional and social behaviours and to manage test anxiety so they might realise their full potential in an exam or test situation. Learning programmes available include:
- “Heartsmarts” Ages 3-5 (for use in pre-school facilities)
- “Heartsmarts” for Years 4 – 6
- Test Edge “Getting in Sync for Test Success” for Years 4-6
- Test Edge “Getting in Sync for Test Success” for Years 7-10
- Test Edge “Getting in Sync for Test Success” for Years 11-13
Target Audience: Teachers needing support to manage a heavy workload.
Can be tailored to a Primary or Secondary School Staff Audience
Courses are offered in Four Formats:
The “One Hour Special”
- A succinct overview of ideas behind “The Resilient Educator” course
- Suitable for any number of participants. Convenient for after school staff PD sessions.
- Participants will learn the “Quick Coherence” tool
Introduction to the Resilient Educator (2 hours)
- A good introduction to the theory and ideas behind building resiliency in the classroom
- Best suits groups of 10 - 30
- Participants will learn the “Quick Coherence” tool
The Resilient Educator: Half day training (4 hours 30 mins)
- Provides sound instruction around the science behind Heartmath tools and interventions, and helps participants identify the underlying causes of stress.
- Best suits groups of 10 - 30
- Participants will learn the “Neutral Tool” and “Freeze Frame”.
The Resilient Educator: Full day training (7 hours)
- A thorough training in the science behind the physiology of resilience and the underlying causes of energy drain and stress.
- Includes a creative session that tests participants’ understanding and ability to apply the principles taught.
- Best suits groups of 10 - 30
- Participants will learn the “Neutral Tool”, “Freeze Frame”, “Effective Communication” and “Heart Lock-In”.
The “tools” taught offer teachers with practical techniques for neutralising stress in the moment, (Neutral, Freeze Frame) or after the event (Heart Lock-In). Staff who practice these skills will find they eliminate much unnecessary energy drain allowing them to maintain their health and vitality in the classroom. Each workshop intentionally explores ways tools can be applied to each individuals’situation. The course includes interactive group learning and is delivered in a multi media presentation to suit multiple learning styles.

Adrienne Wood trains teachers in tools that nurture resiliency, robustness and energy in the face of the demands of classroom teaching today. Adrienne has a keen interest in supporting teachers to create a positive, caring environment in the classroom that will in turn create positive, caring school communities which best enhance learning.
drienne is an experienced teacher in low decile, multicultural schools and is currently Head of Special Needs at Waitakere College. Adrienne is a licensed Resilient Educator Instructor (REQIP) through the Institute of HeartMath (IHM). The IHM is a US research-based organisation that investigates the psychophysiology of learning (how one’s learning potential is directly affected by one’s emotional state) and, more generally, also investigates how one’s emotional state influences one’s health, performance and mental clarity.
Courses are flexible and can be broken into 1 or 2 hour segments as best suits your situation. Available in Auckland area and outside the region by negotiation. Contact Adrienne Wood.
The Resilient Educator® course
Quick Coherence® Technique
Freeze-Frame® Technique
Heart Lock-In® Technique
Effective Communication™
Adrienne Wood
Educational Consultant: Resilience in Education
phone: 021 061 6154 or 64 9 845 3408
HeartMath, The Resilient Educator, HeartSmarts, Freeze-Frame and Heart Lock-In are a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath. emWave is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc. TestEdge is a registered trademark of HeartMath LLC. Quick Coherence is a registered trademark of Doc Childre.