What You Can Do


We're often asked by individuals, "How do I get started?" In its 12 years of research and development, HeartMath has published dozens of scientific studies that deepened our understanding of the vital role the heart plays in our physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual lives. All of this material can be overwhelming to sort through. Below is a list of services and products to help you begin the journey of developing your heart skills.

Option 1 – Subscribe to our free services.

HeartMath has a number of free services available to individuals who are interested in developing their heart skills and becoming more intuitive, creative, and productive in both their work and home environments. Subscriptions are free and it's a great way to learn about the heart-mind-body system and how to unleash its unlimited potential in your life.

Option 2 – Invest in emWave Interactive Learning System.

The emWave Interactive Learngin System requires a modest investment, and carries a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. The emWave is renown among its users as an essential life tool that helps people more effectively manage the day-to-day challenges, stresses, and problems of the every day world we all live in. A key factor in the effectiveness of HeartMath's programs, emWave' patented technology is an interactive learning system and heart rate variability monitor that enables its users to monitor and change heart rhythm patterns, reducing stress and improving energy and overall health everyday. This technology has a dynamic, positive effect on stress levels, mental clarity, creativity and insight. HeartMath's emWave won TMC Labs' 2003 Innovation Award.

Option 3 – Study HeartMath's books, videos and learning programs.

Over the years, HeartMath's founder, executives, and researchers have published numerous materials that explain the scientific underpinning of the heart, its innate intelligence, and how this intelligence can inform life decisions for the better, enhance our creativity and intuitive powers, and provide each of us with greater health and well being. These materials provide you with a framework for understanding how to tap into your own heart intelligence and apply it daily in your life.

Option 4 – Enroll in a Tele-Course.

Receive HeartMath® individualised training in the comfort of your own home. One of HeartMath’s more than 150 licensed HeartMath Providers will take you through one of three HeartMath courses: Voyage to Heart Intelligence (for personal development), Personal Journey to Health (for wellness) and Strategies for Coherent Performance (for improved performance at work or in sports). Each in-depth course includes instruction in HeartMath tools and techniques and the science behind them. You will learn how to apply our comprehensive system of tools and techniques into your life for the good of your body and emotional well-being. Go to the Provider Directory to find a provider who matches your goals.

Option 5 – Receive personal coaching from a Licensed HeartMath Provider.

Our network of over 150 HeartMath® Providers in North America and Australia are trained to provide personal instruction and coaching on the use of core HeartMath techniques, tools and concepts. In addition to the standard Tele-Courses, HeartMath providers also offer the Stress Relief Program that includes 4 HeartMath tools along with coaching and instruction on the use of the emWave® Interactive Learning System. Working with one of our providers is a convenient and effective way to deepen your understanding of how HeartMath tools are used to reduce stress, achieve emotional balance and enhance peak performance. A list of HeartMath Providers, their qualifications and contact information can be found in the Provider Directory. 

Option 6 – Share the HeartMath System with your family, friends and business associates.

Our mission is to provide a new understanding of the power and importance of the heart to people all over the world in all walks of life. You can play a part in HeartMath's mission to help our society move from chaos to coherence. Share your successes with your family members, friends, social acquaintances and colleagues. Encourage them to visit our Web site to learn more. Let decision makers in your company/business know about our highly effective training programs for organisations. Together we can make a difference.


HeartMath is a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath. emWave is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc.