Excellent products and services are a result of well integrated systems--high quality components, robust processes and effective people attuned to developing and delivering excellence. Excellent companies are the result of high quality people who are technically sound and who can work both independently and interdependently to create high quality processes, relationships and outputs.
Since the mid '90s HeartMath's Inner Quality Management (IQM)® model has ensured excellence for organisations the world over. This model underlies all the HeartMath programs including Leadership, Sales, Service, and organisational Coherence programs, as well as the Staff Retention and Development Program for hospitals.
Coherence is the key.
As any system--a company, a family, your life--becomes more complex, adapting to that complexity and potential chaos requires coherence. Coherence can be thought of in three ways:
Ordered patterning within one system
When you are "in the zone," when your thoughts, decisions, communications "flow" --these are all examples of coherence.
synchronisation between multiple systems
When teams are clicking, are self-motivated and high-performing, extra energy is available from each of the members, energy that can be used for team goals and achievement. Coherence is the source.
Coherent organisation
When there is an alignment of strategy between markets, customers, leadership and staff, that's coherence. Innovative cultures that are driven by engagement and inspiration are usually highly coherent. This coherence in turn attracts passionately loyal customers
The IQM Model is a set of four dynamics designed to increase personal and organisational coherence.
Internal Self-Management
It starts with the individual. Internal Self Management
is a scientifically-based process for building
internal coherence in order to improve effective
decision-making, transform non-productive stress
reactions, and boost intelligence. The key is
learning to recognise and regulate key emotional
and physiological processes. In this dynamic participants
learn the science of how and why to apply powerful
techniques to job stresses, strategic planning,
customer service, patient care, meeting effectiveness
and personal interactions.
Coherent Communication
Coherence implies a lack of noise, little wasted
energy. Interpersonal and organisational communication
problems dramatically inhibit organisational effectiveness,
while coherent communication is the foundation
of exceptional teamwork. The IQM tools help individuals
and teams improve their ability to listen and
to develop new clarity in their communication
with co-workers, clients, patients, customers
and vendors, saving time, energy and money.
Boosting organisational Climate
Numerous organisational research studies have
shown that certain attitudes prevalent within
organisations can enhance productivity and performance,
while others compromise it. Negative attitudes
are chaotic and can spread like an "emotional
virus," sapping organisational energy and creativity.
In this dynamic, participants identify organisational
pockets of the virus, while learning how to create
a self-sustaining atmosphere of respect and appreciation
to increase cooperation, commitment and job satisfaction.
Strategic Processes and Renewal
The fourth dynamic of the IQM Model holds, as
a fundamental principle, that organisational resilience
is crucial for sustainable success, and in an
era of great uncertainty, minimising organisational
trauma and pain is critical. At the same time,
renewing creative thinking around processes and
strategies is essential to be responsive to rapidly
changing market, customer, and socio-political
factors. This dynamic contains a set of tools
that are built into the organisation to enable
ongoing renewal, providing practical technologies
for stimulating greater creativity and innovation,
as well as techniques for project planning, decision-making
and teamwork.
For Information
Telephone: (02) 9412 2500 (Australia)
Telephone: +61 2 9412 2500 (International)
E-Mail: info@macquarieinstitute.com.au
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